Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Upcycle - Revamp

So considering how much we love upcylcing (90% of our shop is fitted from 2nd hand items!) how lucky are we to have a Salvation Army right next door.

It has been an absolute blessing in disguise, we have run in there for extra teaspoons, flower vases and even tea pots.

Gladys and her staff  are just lovely in bringing things over she knows we are always on the lookout for.

And heaped in the corner in a secret spot I am not yet willing to divulge are a heap of old crocheted doilies.
I have been collecting them for a while now in order to decorate our tables.

So just before Christmas I had a go at dying them, I went with the closest I could find to a teal colour  but this was my first time using dye so I was interested to see the result It is quite pricey, almost $10 a pop and I did not want them all the same colour so I halved the dye and all the other ingredients needed.

Using a fork - highly recommended (don't get this dye anywhere it really stains! Really it does!)

Hanging out to dry above the gorgeous hydrangeas  

End result all pretty in the cafe! 


  1. Gorgeous colour, they look really great. And good on you for upcycling so much, not that you'd ever guess the place looks so smart x

  2. Love doilies!great idea to die them!
